IAMTW President Jonathan Maberry chats with author Kevin J. Anderson. TIED-IN: What was the first media tie-in work you remember reading? KEVIN J. ANDERSON: It was the James Blish Star Trek books in 7th grade, and then the Alan Dean Foster Star…

International Association of Media Tie-In Writers
IAMTW President Jonathan Maberry chats with author Kevin J. Anderson. TIED-IN: What was the first media tie-in work you remember reading? KEVIN J. ANDERSON: It was the James Blish Star Trek books in 7th grade, and then the Alan Dean Foster Star…
IAMTW President Jonathan Maberry chats with bestselling tie-in author Matt Forbeck. TIED-IN: What was the first media tie-in work you remember reading? MATT FORBECK: It was Welcome Back, Kotter: The Sweathog Newshawks, by William Johnston, back in 1976. I loved the show, so…
IAMTW President Jonathan Maberry chats with D. J. Stevenson, Executive Vice President of the IAMTW, chair of the Scribe Awards, and administrator of Pennwriters’ annual writing contest. D.J. earned her degree in Journalism and German after which she worked as a technical…
IAMTW President Jonathan Maberry talks to New York Times bestselling author and comic writer, Delilah S. Dawson TIED-IN: What was the first media tie-in work you remember reading? DELILAH DAWSON: Back in 1983, I had the Star Wars Read Along book,…
IAMTW President Jonathan Maberry talks to UK Number One bestseller, Cavan Scott TIED-IN: What was the first media tie-in work you remember reading? CAVAN SCOTT: It was probably either the Doctor Who Target novelizations of the 1970s, written mainly by…