The Scribe Awards acknowledge and celebrate excellence in licensed tie-in works based on TV shows, movies, and games (video games, computer games, rpgs).
We are accepting submissions for the Nineteenth Annual Scribe Awards. Works published between March 1, 2024 and February 28, 2025 are eligible. The deadline for entering is February 28, 2025. Please fill out the entry form HERE. If you are not a member, your tie-in work is still eligible. Email for judges’ addresses or (preferred) email the electronic edition to the address. But we’d love to have you join!
The categories are:
A licensed novelization based on an existing screenplay, whether a feature film, episodic teleplay, game (video game, computer game, rpg), script, comic, or play.
A licensed audio drama – not a staged reading of published work – using characters or worlds from a movie, television series, game (video game, computer game, rpg), play, comics, or an existing series of novels (i.e., new works by multiple authors extending a literary franchise, i.e. Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.).
A licensed, original graphic novel using pre-existing characters or worlds from a movie, television series, game (video game, computer game, rpg), play, comics, or an existing series of novels (i.e., new works by multiple authors extending a literary franchise, i.e. Murder She Wrote, Leverage, James Bond, etc.) This can be either self-contained, or a collection that combines into a single self-contained story.
A licensed, original novel using pre-existing characters or worlds from a movie, television series, game (video game, computer game, rpg), play, comics, or an existing series of novels (i.e., new works by multiple authors extending a literary franchise, i.e. Murder She Wrote, Leverage, James Bond, etc.). General=mystery, action, adventure, literary, romance, comedy, etc., anything without a speculative slant to it.
A licensed, original novel using pre-existing characters or worlds from a movie, television series, game (video game, computer game, rpg), play, comics, or an existing series of novels (i.e., new works by multiple authors extending a literary franchise, i.e. Dune, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.). Speculative = fantasy, science fiction, horror, paranormal.
A licensed, original story appearing in a magazine, collection or anthology and using pre-existing characters or worlds from a movie, television series, game (video game, computer game, rpg), play, comics, or an existing series of novels (i.e., new novels extending a literary franchise, i.e. Dune, James Bond, etc.) (Wordcount: 17,500 or under; anything over that belongs in novel category.)
YOUNG ADULT / MIDDLE GRADE (All Genres, Original or Adapted)
For young adults: A licensed novelization based on an existing screenplay, whether a feature film, episodic teleplay, game (video game, computer game, rpg), script, comics, or play; OR a licensed, original novel using pre-existing characters or worlds from a movie, television series, game (video game, computer game, rpg), play, comics, or an existing series of novels (i.e., new works by multiple authors extending a literary franchise, i.e. Dune, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.).
How The Scribes Are Judged
Any member of IAMTW may be a judge. The judging committees are made up of your peers from within the organization, writers who know the unique obstacles and restrictions that tie-in writers face, because they are tie-in writers themselves. The judges will read all the submissions in their category and select both the nominees and the winners.
Rules for Submission
- The author does not need to be an IAMTW member.
- Authors can submit multiple titles, but only ONE BOOK PER CATEGORY/ONE CATEGORY PER BOOK (i.e. you can’t submit the same book in two different categories or multiple titles in one category. Authors who’ve done several books in any one category need to pick the one title that seems strongest and submit only that). This applies to every work that the author has written OR co-written.
- Only authors can submit their books for consideration Electronic copies are preferred, but if you are sending a print edition, we encourage you to have your editors/publishers send the actual book on your behalf so you don’t have to raid your author’s copies or pay the postage.
- Judges can submit their work, but obviously not in the categories they are judging.
- The entry must be a licensed work published for the first time between March 1, 2023 and February 29, 2024. Only books with a copyright between those dates will be eligible for consideration. Entrants with books published in late February 2024 are required to get copies of eligible work into the hands of the category judges no later than March 15, 2024 to allow adequate time to review the titles. Galleys are acceptable.
- eBook-only titles are also accepted and should be sent to the judges via email at
- For Audio Dramas, the entries must be full-cast radio-style plays, not readings of short stories or novels. They must be first released on CD or MP-3 and not first broadcast on radio (if, after released, the audio drama was picked up and aired, that is considered a secondary market). Audio entries must be forty minutes or more in length.
- The following must now be done via the entry form HERE instead of a formal letter. All authors MUST include a cover letter with each entry. The cover letter must include the following information: the Category you are entering, Title of the Book, Name of the Author, Publication Date, Editor & Publisher, and email & complete “snailmail” addresses and phone numbers for the author and editor. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS. THE CONTACT INFORMATION IS IMPORTANT.
- All electronic entries MUST be sent as an accessible file. If a link is sent, it MUST be to the entry itself. It must not be to a service a judge needs to sign up for or log in to. There have been difficulties with various platforms in the past. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that judges are able to read or listen to your work.
- Electronic submissions strongly preferred. An actual FILE is required. Send it to If sending hardcopy, please send an email to for the list of judges and their mailing addresses. IAMTW members can find the list in the MEMBERS ONLY section of this site.