The 2021 Faust Award

The International Association of Media Tie-In Writers is thrilled and honored to present the 2021 Faust Award for lifetime achievement to the wonderfully talented and incredibly prolific Max Allan Collins.

Mr. Collins’ has developed a dozen Mike Hammer novels from Mickey Spillane’s files. For the popular CSI TV series (and its spinoffs), he wrote ten best-selling novels, four graphic novels, and four award-winning video games—and several puzzles! He has written tie-in novels for NYPD Blue, Dark Angel and Criminal Minds. Other tie-in work includes such diverse franchises as G. I. Joe, Maverick, Saving Private Ryan, and The Mummy (to name only a few). His tie-in books that have appeared on the USA Today and the New York Times bestseller list include Saving Private Ryan, Air Force One, and American Gangster. Among his other movie novels are Dick Tracy, Maverick, The Pink Panther, Windtalkers, Waterworld, U-571, The X Files: I Want to Believe, and Road to Perdition from his own graphic novel.

In addition, Mr. Collins’ produced screenplays include Mommy and The Last Lullaby, based on his Quarry novels, also the basis of a recent Cinemax series. He has scripted the Dick Tracy comic strip, Batman, and co-created Ms. Tree and Wild Dog. On top of all those accomplishments—and other plentiful awards—Mr. Collins co-founded the IAMTW.